Christian Non-Resistance
Foreword by Michael D. True
Introduction by Lynn Gordon Hughes
Christian Non-Resistance
1. Explanatory Definitions
Different kinds of non-resistance - The term "non-resistance" - The term "force" -
The term "injury" - The term "Christian non-resistance" - The key text of non-resistance -
Necessary applications of non-resistance - What a Christian non-resistant cannot
consistently do - The principle and sub-principle of non-resistance - Conclusion
2. Scriptural Truths
A proof text: Matthew 5:38-41 - Evasive constructions of the text -
Reason for noticing all these evasions - Second proof: Matthew 5:43-48 -
Third proof: forgiveness - Further important proofs - Apostolic testimonies -
General view of the evidence - The primitive Christians
3. Scriptural Objections Answered
Objection 1: You throw away the Old Testament - Objection 2: The scourge of small
cords - Objection 3: The two swords - Objection 4: The death of Ananias and Sapphira -
Objection 5: Human government - How the Apostles viewed the then existing governments -
Submission to, not participation in, government enjoined on Christians - Respects wherein
government is ordained of God - Paul's conduct in relation to government - Conclusion
4. Non-Resistance Not Contrary to Nature
Nature and the laws of nature - Self-preservation the first law of nature -
A demurrer of the objector - Analogy of the animals - Common method of self-preservation
certainly false - Five great laws of nature considered - These laws radically harmonious -
Non-resistance in perfect unison with these laws - A law of universal nature: like begets
its like - General illustrations in common life - General illustrations in common life -
Special illustrations: facts from real life - Conclusion
ILLUSTRATIONS: Subdued pride and scorn - The man whose temper was broken -
The colored woman and the sailor - The haymakers - The two students - Two neighbors and
the manure - Impounding the horse - Two neighbors and the hens - Henry and Albert -
The subdued hatter - The revolutionary soldier - Ex-President Jefferson and the cooper's
shop - William Ladd and neighbor Pulsifer
5. The Safety of Non-Resistance
ILLUSTRATIONS: Ramond the traveler - Agent of the Bible Society in Texas -
The young man near Philadelphia - Robert Barclay and Leonard Fell - Archbishop Sharp -
Rowland Hill - Two Methodist Non-Resistants - The two New Zealand chiefs - The Missionary
and Arabs - A Christian tribe in Africa - The Moravian Indians - The Moravians of Grace
Hill - The Shakers - The Indians and the Quaker family - The inhabitants of the Loochoo
Islands - The Indians and the Quaker meeting - The Christian town in the Tyrol -
Captain Back - The Quakers in Ireland - The Malays - The colony of Pennsylvania
6. General Objections Answered
Objection 1: Impracticable till the millennium - Objection 2: Extremely difficult if
not impossible - Objection 3: More difficult in small than large matters - Conclusion
ILLUSTRATIONS: The profane swearer reproved and subdued - The Christian slave and
his enemy - How to overcome evil - Henry C. Wright and his assailant - The victorious
little boy - Colony of practical Christians - The avenger stayed
7. Non-Resistance in Relation to Government
Is non-resistance for or against human government? - Human government de facto -
Why not participate in order to reform? - Legal and political action - How to reform
government - Injurious force not essential to government - Under what circumstances the
country might have a non-resistant government - View of the present order of things,
and remedies - Conclusion
Christian Non-Resistance in Extreme Cases