This pamphlet contains two of Adin Ballou's most important short
works on Christian Non-Resistance, "Learn to Discriminate" and
"Christian Non-Resistance in Extreme Cases."
In "Learn to Discriminate," Ballou addresses common misconceptions
about his form of pacifism.
In a few short pages he explains the difference
"between no resistance of evil at all,
and Non-Resistance of evil with evil...
between physical force and injurious force...
between law and right...
between obedience and submission to goverment."
"Christian Non-Resistance in Extreme Cases" takes up a type of
challenge often put to pacifists:
"Suppose a robber attacks you in some lonely place on the highway?
Suppose you and your family are attacked by a gang
who design to commit rape, robbery and murder?
How can the downtrodden peoples of the earth ever gain their liberty
without fighting to the death against their tyrants?"
He argues that in such cases non-resistance "on the whole is
best for us, best for our offending fellow creatures,
and best for all mankind."
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