Adin Ballou and the Ballou Family
Adin Ballou, aged about 40 "Sunday, April 23d, was Brother Ballou's 40th birthday. The evening celebration was a happy time for Hopedale.
Not with festival and and dance, not with merriment and feasting, but with one spontaneous feeling
of grateful and fervent congratulation did the friends and associates gather round him.
The communion of soul that we shared was sweet. It was a bright oasis in the desert of earth ...
May our brother be spared to carry foward the enterprise so happily begun."
--from the Practical Christian |
Adin Ballou in later life "I continued to discharge the duties of my position as pastor of the Hopedale parish and allied congregation
down to April 23, 1880 - my 77th birthday - when I finally resigned and closed my labors in that capacity ...
[and so I was] released from the routine of ministerial service which I had been following ... under varying conditions
for nearly sixty years."
--Autobiography of Adin Ballou |
Lucy Hunt Ballou
"An event of great significance to me personally had also occurred - the acceptance of the Community idea by my wife.
She had demurred for some time, but at length, after a long conversation with me upon the subject, confessed herself
satisfied and ready to second my efforts in carrying my plans into execution. This gratified me exceedingly and gave me
fresh courage and zeal in pressing forward toward what had become the goal of my most cherished ambition and desire."
--Adin Ballou, History of the Hopedale Community
Abbie Ballou Heywood
Adin Ballou's daughter, who taught school at Hopedale and was co-principal of the Hopedale Home School.
This picture was taken about 1867, when she was 38 years old.
"Our Mrs. Abbie was a Normal graduate, handsome and loving, with insight, originality, and personal power, the ideal teacher."
--Ellen M. Patrick, Hopedale Reminiscences
Photo Courtesy of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson
William S. Heywood
Adin Ballou's ministerial student, who married Abbie Ballou in 1851 and was co-principal of the Hopedale Home School.
He was minister of the Unitarian church in Hudson, Massachusetts from 1867 to 1874.
Photo Courtesy of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson